you must first know what you need

Rock DuffyTo avoid loss while achieving your Key Business Goals, you must first know exactly what you want…and need!

What are the Key Accountabilities of the position?

We Benchmark Jobs using a 37 factor analysis. The resulting Job Report provides a detailed, visual template for the most important attributes, rewards/culture and behavior needed by that job for its successful performance.

Failure to properly benchmark & then select job matched individuals can present problems at every level. It can even be catastrophic!

Recent high profile examples may include Enron, Lehman Brothers, Fannie May & Freddie Mac, Merrill Lynch, State, Regional & National Banks and many others.

Ownership, Boards of Directors and Stockholders too often assume applicable expertise and talent. This has proven to be a huge mistake. The repercussions of misplacement at these levels can be so massive as to help create a culture of arrogance, bring down companies, devastate assets and reverberate through the entire national economy.

Can YOU and your organization afford this risk? Unlikely … and avoidable!

Valid job benchmarks provide critical foundational information.

Are you using the correct benchmark process? Are you measuring the performance of current employees? It is absolutely essential to Benchmark the Job, not the people. If you’ve been told otherwise, you have been misguided!

Let’s say you benchmark a top performing person or group of people in the hope of hiring a “clone”? What if who you thought was an “A” level person or team is actually only B, or even C level? If so, you have gotten a C team benchmark and didn’t realize it. Do you want to risk duplicating less than you could have? To get a true benchmark, you must know what the job calls for in terms of Key Accountabilities and the cognitive skills, motivators and behaviors most needed for their accomplishment. We measure 84 of them. Result: a benchmark you can rely on.

By placing top people in those jobs and positions that are most suited for their unique talents, more profit and growth is created. We also provide you the tools and methodology to develop and retain these top people. This gives you a solid foundation for reliable succession planning!

Of Note: A study by IHRIM and Knowledge Infusion found that over 82% of organizations cite Succession Planning as a growing concern of the future. Now they are looking at middle management and other key talent in addition to top level executives.

By properly benchmarking all succession critical positions, you have a clear understanding of know what is needed.

>> (next) Candidate Selection

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